Skip Navigation LinksPalm Dial-up Instructions

For instructions regarding the setup of your Palm device to use our services please use the PalmOne Support website.

You can use your Palm Pilot to connect to the internet to check your email or just to browse. This is done under the "Prefs" app on your Palm. Once you have started the "Prefs" app, select "Connection" using the dropdown list in the upper-right corner of the Palm screen. You should see a screen similar to Figure 1.

internet roaming
Figure 1
Connection settings in the "Prefs" app

Tap on the "New" button to configure a new connection device, and enter the information as shown in Figure 2. Next, tap on the "Details..." button to bring up the form shown in Figure 3, and set the connection speed to 19,200 baud (Currently, the SprintPCS wireless web has a maximum data rate of 14,400 baud). Tap "OK" to save and exit from the connections setup.

internet roaming
Figure 2
Defining a new connection device

internet roaming
Figure 3
Specifying device speed

Configuring Palm "Network" Settings

The following describes how to make an ISP connection using the standard dialup method:

To make a connection to your ISP, you need to configure your Palm's Network settings. From the "Prefs" app, select Network from the dropdown list in the upper-right corner of the Palm screen. You should see a screen similar to Figure 4.

internet roaming
Figure 4
Network settings in "Prefs" app

This is where you will specify your ISP dialup phone number, login name and password, etc. As an example, we will use the following information about a fictitious ISP to illustrate how to enter the necessary data for Internet dialup connection.

ISP: Tempest Telecom
Connection type: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
Local PPP dialup phone number: 968-1111
User name:
Password: cat99
Primary DNS: IP Address is automatic
Secondary DNS: IP Address is automatic

Start by filling in the info as shown in Figure 5. Next, tap on the "Details..." button, which should bring up the screen shown in Figure 6, which is the default settings. In most cases, you will not need to modify this screen.

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Figure 5
Example Network setup

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Figure 6
Example details Network setup (Default)

If you know the IP Addresses for the Domain Name Servers (DNS) on your ISP, you can enter them as shown in Figure 7. This can usually speed up login connection.

internet roaming
Figure 7
Example DNS entry in Network setup

This should be sufficient for making a PPP connection to your ISP. In some cases, you will need to make some entries in under the "Script..." screen to specify when to send the login name, password, etc.

Now, to actually make the PPP connection with your ISP, you will go back to the Network screen shown in Figure 6 and tap the "Connect" button. Your Palm should then dial the specified phone number and make your connection!
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