Skip Navigation LinksMac OS8 Dial-up Instructions

System Requirements

System 7.5.5 or later (OS 9 and OSX not currently supported with dialer see special instructions)
Minimum of 18MB of memory, 28MB is recommended. (combination of physical and virtual memory)
20MB of free disk space
Open Transport/PPP

To check if Open Transport/PPP is installed, go to Control Panels. If there is no "PPP" entry, then it is not installed. To install, you can download Open Transport/PPP Installer from this Web page and use it to install. When you are done, test to make sure it's installed correctly:

1. First, use the Modem Control Panel to set up your modem.
2. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel and change the connection type to "PPP".
3. Finally, open the PPP Control Panel and connect to your ISP. Make sure it works.

Installing the Dialer

1. First, download the dialer's Mac version from this Web page. The downloaded file will appear on your desktop.

2. Unzip the downloaded file using StuffIt Expander. This will create an Installer folder that contains Installer to be used for installation. Depending on how your desktop is set up, this step might be done automatically following file download.

3. Double click Installer icon to start and follow instructions to complete installation.

4. Before launching the dialer, go to TCP/IP in Control Panel and make sure connection type is set to PPP and it works. Now you can open the folder "GRICdial Application" and run the application "GRICdial App".

** Those users with System 7.5.5 must use Open Transport version 1.1.1 which can be downloaded from this website.

Account Information

Your Login ID, you will receive when you sign up.
Your domain name is ""
Your password, you will receive when you sign up.

Always check your account before you travel by dialing into your local access number. This will verify your account is open. The software also automatically updates the phonebook every time you connect so you have our latest access numbers.

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