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Sign Up For Hosted Exchange Services:

Thank you for choosing Tempest Telecom for your email and communications needs. Please provide some initial information to get your account set up. Once we recieve your information an account representative will contact you and verify any additional information we may require and at that time you will be instructed on how to set up any additional services required such as mobile device support, collaborative services like Sharepoint, or additional mailbox space.

Contact Info
Please fill out contact information as accurately as possible in order to ensure that your account is set up as quickly as possible. Using free email addresses may delay account set up so if possible please use alternatives. Please provide a telephone number so that we can contact you if we need to verify your information.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Day / Work Telephone
Night / Home Telephone
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
ZIP / Postal Code
Service Plan
Please indicate which plan you wish to set up. If you need additional information on each plan, please review the Service Plans section for details.
Credit Card Information
Your credit card will be billed at the end of each month for your total usage. If you wish to be invoiced or arange an alternative payment plan, please contact an account representative.
Card Type
Name on Card
Card Number
Expiration (MMYY)
Billing Address
Please fill this out if your Billing info is different than your Contact info.
Zip Code

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